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The importance of proper education in ensuring balanced development of children can never be too greatly over emphasized. It is, therefore...

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As a Parents, if you intend to develop your child through the right educational process and values, we would welcome your initiative citizen..

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E-learning makes use of electronic media and information communication Technology in education. E-learning includes...

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Quality education

We provide quality education to students and follow the CCE pattern prescribed by CBSE. What is CCE? CCE stands for continuous...

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Welcome to Saint Giri Sr. Sec School


For four decades, St. Giri’s has enriched the lives of individuals and communities through the provision of a unique brand of holistic education. Today, St. Giri manages a growing network of providing high quality education to over 4000 students around the city.

Uniquely, St. Giri is designed to meet the education needs of any community. Our multi curricular expertise includes academics from CBSE Board, personal and cultural needs of the students. We provide a motivational learning environment for students, combining a strong academic focus with a rich extracurricular programme, aimed at developing in children the right values and skills that will help them face the challenges of the future.

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Message From Principal's Desk

It gives me great pleasure and delight as principal of SAINT GIRI SR.SEC. SCHOOL to welcome you to the official school website. This website has been prepared to impart timely valuable information to parents, students and visitor to the website at large.

It has been developed to enable everyone to become familiar to our school , its policies and the other procedures that are basic for the smooth functioning of the school as well as to provide you with updated school news , schedules and events. Our school has a long tradition and our staff takes great pride in providing a wide array of exciting and challenging academics programmes.

SAINT GIRI SCHOOl’s mission is to provide leadership to students by developing their social skill along with academic excellence. In a technology prevalent world today, we appeal to young minds by incorporating smart boards, tablets computers and the other electronics devices into the teaching learning process.

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Literary Club

The object of the Club shall be to encourage the collection of literary, artistic and scientific works...

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Hobby Club

Here children come out with their singing and dancing skills and are given lessons in various...

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Eco Club

Eco Club is a platform where we get knowledge about environment. Eco Club enables the students to be...

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Art & Craft Club

Here activities like glass painting , fabric painting, dry beads arrangement...

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Astronomy Club

Encourages you to contact your local astronomy club, where you'll find like-minded...

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Sports Club

The school provides facilities for all sports and games to encourage a healthy competition, character...

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