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Eco Club

Eco Club

Hobby Club Here activities like gardening, use of dustbins to throw biodegradable waste, say no to plastics etc are taught.

Eco Club is a platform where we get knowledge about environment. Eco Club enables the students to be sensitive towards environmental concern to tackle environmental problems.

The main objectives of ECO CLUB are:

  • To educate the students about their environment.
  • To create a clean and green consciousness among students through various innovative methods.
  • To mobilize students towards scientific enquiry into environmental problem.
  • To involve them in efforts to preserve environment.
  • To motivate students how to imbibe habits and lifestyle for minimum waste generation.


  • Earth Day celebration
  • Awareness campaigns on "Clean Delhi, Green Delhi"
  • Community Service Projects
  • Litter cleanups of garden and open spaces (inside school)
  • Compositing
  • Vanmahotsava celebration
  • Poster making competition
  • Sowing of Tomato seeds
  • Field Visit
  • Making Flower [used paper & straw]
  • Distinguish waste [biodegradable and non-biodegradable]
  • Harvesting of tomato and making ketchup
  • Celebration of Holi with herbal colour [student will make]
  • Earth Hour celebration

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