The importance of proper education in ensuring balanced development of children can never be too greatly over emphasized. It is,therefore,essential for orderly development of personality of the child, that good education is imparted from very initial stage.
Educationalist differs in regard to what complete education could or should be. There are many system of education prevalent in our country,those designed on western system lay a lot of emphasis on science and technology, we, in India have always attached considerable emphasis to spiritual development. In modern age,a balance is to be maintained between the two. Today, whereas a scientific outlook is essential, one’s personality cannot be complete without spiritual development.
This school is run by a council “GOSWAMI VIDYAPEETH “.The main aim of the institution is to serve this need and to ensure complete development of a child’s personality. While attaching necessary importance to the academic side,sufficient emphasis is placed on mental, physical and spiritual development of the faculties of your child in the best possible manner and at very reasonable cost. We request your co- operation giving us the opportunity to render best of service.
We strive to inculcate a spirit of discipline and a national and secular outlook. This school for our educated elite who want to give their children the best possible education which may be at the same time within their means and the main object of ST. GIRI SCHOOL is to impart sound literary and scientific education, leading to the harmonious development through innovative approaches .
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